“The beauty of Chiropractic is that it works with Natural means. It puts nothing new into the body, nor does it take away any natural gland or organ.
Chiropractic simply releases the Life Forces within the body, sets free rivulets of energy over nerves, and lets nature do her work in a normal manner.”
- B.J. Palmer
Chiropractic for Women
Many women start chiropractic care for a variety of aches and pains including:
lower back pain/sciatica
neck/ shoulder pain
postural concerns
And many women continue chiropractic care because they experience unexpected improvements in other areas of their health.
Chiropractic care primarily focuses on the alignment of the spine to support the natural function and regulation of the nervous system. Given there is nothing that occurs in the body that the nervous system is not involved in, it makes sense women experience improvements across the board in their health and wellbeing when their spine is aligned.
At LUNAR our primary focus is on supporting the regulation of your nervous system. A regulated nervous system supports a life lived fully expressed.
Chiropractic for Pregancy
For pregnant women, adjustments are modified to be most appropriate for their stage of pregnancy and condition. The baby’s safety is always of highest priority. Techniques used include manual adjustments, low force adjustments, soft tissue work and specific pregnancy exercises.
Common reasons pregnant women visit LUNAR
low back pain/ sciatica
pelvic girdle pain (PGP)
symphysis pubis dysfunction/ pubis pain (SPD)
pelvic instability
headaches/ migraines
neck and shoulder pain
rib/ diaphragm discomfort
pelvic floor dysfunction
round ligament pain
breech baby/ pro-active pelvis balancing to aid baby’s position
Chiropractic care has been proven to be safe and effective during pregnancy.
Chiropractic for Kids
For infants + children, an adjustment is light touch and gentle pressure adapted to be most appropriate for their age and spinal development.
Common reasons children visit LUNAR
breast feeding challenges
head shape (flat head)
torticollis (stiff neck)
head preference to one side
colic + reflux
trapped gas
poor sleep
upset in car seat
support with tongue + lip ties
postural support
support with neurological development (milestone progression)
Chiropractic care has been proven to be safe and effective for infants and children.